Finding the Right Plan for You
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Finding the Right Plan for You
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Move Smart To Become Smart
All Whilst Having Fun!
Why Should Your School
Subscribe As Well?
We live in a digital era that causes children to become more inactive with less motivation than ever to move around and play. Screens are everywhere. They are glued to the tiny hands of our society - in the house, on the road and even in the mall.
Unfortunately, children are reaping the consequences
of a world that we have created. They are struggling with:
Low muscle tone
Poor posture
Sensory processing difficulties
Lack of concentration
Challenging behaviour
The list goes on and on...
Fortunately, there is a solution!​​

Your Smart Choice
Hello and welcome to most innovative program that will help to transform your school and take it to new heights! The fact that you are on our page, means that you place a high value on physical activity and movement. Congratulations! You are in good company!
If you do not have the option of a contracted Kinderkineticist on your school's premises, our Kwanda FUNdamental program called EdUMove can be the very solution that you are looking for to help your school's children move smarter to become smarter! ​
EdUMove was written and compiled by Kinderkineticists from Kwanda Kinetics with more than 45 years combined experience. When subscribing, you can choose between 3 curriculums according to the various developmental ages and stages of your school's children. These curriculums focus on targeting all the FUNdamental motor skills that are crucial for future scholastic and sport success. Accredited teacher training is also included in this FUNtastic subscription program!
Please Take Note
Although EdUMove was developed by Kinderkineticists, the program is not presented by Kinderkineticists, but by the teachers of your preschool when you subscribe to one of the Online Subscription Plans associated with EdUMove. Thus, when you subscribe, you may not advertise that your school presents Kinderkinetics (only registered Kinderkineticists may present Kinderkinetics).
The good news is that, after your teachers have received their initial training, you may boldly and proudly proclaim that you present EdUMove at your school, and that you regularly consult with an online Kinderkineticist, if this is the subscription option that you choose. (Psst...You also receive 16 other amazing programs and products when you subscribe. Amazing, right!).
Joey De Villiers,
Teacher At Preschool
Wow, wow, wow! I have been involved in preschools and teaching children for more than 40 years. Never before have I seen anything remotely similar to your program at all. Where have you been all these years?!! Amazing services and programs!
Martie van der Merwe,
Owner Of Preschool
For years, we had to teach our Grade R children the difference between their right and left hand. Ever since we have incorporated your program and services into our school's curriculum, this has automatically developed in all our children. By the time that they enter Grade R, we no longer need to show, teach or remind them about this concept. We contribute this to your neuro-motor program that helps our children to develop proper body awareness. Thank you for being part of our school!
Mari-Louise Strydom,
Owner Of Preschool
Your curriculum is very comprehensive, but easy to follow. I love it!

Is EduMove A Good Fit
For Your School?
​To know if you should jump on board and join the EdUMove Revolution,
we have created a short questionnaire for you.
It's actually very simple. If you go through the questionnaire and you answer yes to most of the questions asked, EduMove will be the perfect fit!
Ready, steady, go!
Are the children in your preschool struggling with low muscle tone, poor posture, sensory processing difficulties or lack of concentration?
Have you ever wished you had access to a professional program with stimulating, developing AND therapeutic principles to help all the children in your school excel?
Would you like your teachers to receive regular accredited training to stay up to date with the latest information on childhood development without breaking into a bank to afford it?
Have you ever wished you had the services of a professional with whom you could consult about the development of certain children in your school?
​Are your school's teachers struggling to compile an age-appropriate gross motor curriculum from the thousands of images they gathered from Pinterest, Facebook & Instagram? Perhaps they have never actually gotten around to implementing it due to a lack of structure or discipline?
Have you ever bought a school curriculum that only had 1 or 2 gross motor activities per week that all the children in your school had to do? Or worst, the activities were not research-based or age appropriate nor did the activities have a distinction between the different developmental ages and phases of the children?
Do the teachers in your school lack motivation to teach gross motor activities to the children in your school? Can this be because they do not fully understand the importance of movement? Or maybe because they do not feel confident enough to know how to apply the necessary motor principles in their lessons?
Are the extra-curricular or contracted activities at your preschool becoming too expensive for the parents to afford?
Is the quality of extra-curricular activities presented at your school lower than the standard you would like it to be in order to make a real difference in a child's life?
Would you like to have the extra edge and stand out from the rest of the schools in your immediate area?
Would you like to see all the children in your school flourish and reach their full potential?
Would you like to be known as a preschool that makes a difference in children's lives and who prepares them well to achieve future scholastic and sport success?
If you have answered yes to most of these questions,
EdUMove is the perfect choice for your school!
Over and above all the other products and services included in the different online subscription plans, four (4) accredited online courses as well as twelve (12) accredited educational webinars are included when you subscribe to the plan of your choice. By subscribing, you get the amazing opportunity to invest in your personnel, which in turn will ultimately help your school's children reach their full potential!
In January 2024, we have receive international accreditation for our training via the CPD Group in England. All our courses and webinars are also accredited via Edupro Online by the South African Medical Assosication (SAMA) as well as the South African Professional Institute For Kinderkinetics (SAPIK). We are currently in the process of accrediting with SACE as well. This means that you are in good hands when it comes to the training of your teachers.

More About EdUMove
Nature Of Program
Neuro-Sensory-Motor Program
FUN-filled & Research-Based
Stimulating, Developing & Improving Nature
Also Includes Therapeutic-based Activities
Rich Individual Sessions For Babies 0 - 2 Years
FUN-filled Group Sessions For Children 2 - 6 Years
For Neuro-typical And Neuro-diverse Children
Optimizing Sensory-Neuro-Motor Skills
Developing Gross Motor And Perceptual Skills
Improving Quality & Quantity Of Execution In Skills
Reaching Important Gross Motor Milestones
​Improving Physical And Play Skills
Increasing Well-being And Motivation
Integrating Primitive Reflexes
Encouraging A Love For Movement
Encouraging Proper Brain Development
Helping Children To Live An Active, Healthy Life
Stimulating Hidden And Seen Senses
Purpose Of Program

Some Of The Skills
That EdUMove
Focuses On ...
Principals & Teachers
Joey De Villiers,
Teacher At Preschool
Wow, wow, wow! I have been involved in preschools and teaching children for more than 40 years. Never before have I seen anything remotely similar to your program. Where have you been all these years?!! Amazing services and programs!
Martie van der Merwe,
Owner Of Preschool
For years, we had to teach our Grade R children the difference between their right and left hand. Ever since we have incorporated your program and services into our school's curriculum, this has automatically developed in all our children. By the time that they enter Grade R, we no longer need to show, teach or remind them about this concept. We contribute this to your neuro-motor program that helps our children to develop proper body awareness. Thank you for being part of our school!
Mari-Louise Strydom,
Owner Of Preschool
Your curriculum is very comprehensive, but easy to follow. I love it!

Additional Programs, Products
And Professional Services
Inside The Online
Subscription Plans
Not Only Does Your Preschool Get Full Access To
2 Complete Neuro-Sensory-Motor Curriculums
To Present The EdUMove Program,
You Also Get Up To 16 Additional
Programs, Products And/Or Professional Services
When Subscribing
To The Plan Of Your Choice.
Take Your Preschool To New Heights &
Have The Extra Edge In Your Immediate Area.
Most Importantly,
Help Your School's Children Excel
And Reach Their Full Potential
By Building A Solid Foundation
Necessary For Future Scholastic And Sport Success.
The Smart Movement Curriculum
And Subscription Plan
For Preschools
12 Month Subscription Plan *
An Online E-Course For Teachers
To Present Weekly Movement Classes To All The Children In Your School
A Complete List Of Equipment
To Present Fun & Effective
Movement Classes
* An Optional Equipment Kit
To Present Classes
(If Based In South-Africa)
A Neuro-Sensory-Motor Curriculum
With 240 Lessons
For Babies 0 - 2 Years
A Neuro-Motor Development Curriculum With 160 Lessons
For Preschoolers 2 - 6 Years
A Neuro-Motor Development Curriculum With 120 Lessons
For Children 6 - 9 Years
A Video Library Consisting Of
2 000+ Videos For Demonstration Purposes And Easy Reference
A Group-based
Screening Protocol
To Monitor The Children's Progress
Graduation Templates
And Protocols To Award
The Children For Their Hard Work
Additional Movement Stimulation Program For Parents
With 40 At-Home Lesson Plans
Monthly Educational Blogs
With Educational
Animation Videos
Monthly Accredited
Educational Webinars
By Experts In Their Field
Monthly Accredited
Of The Educational Talks
Additional Termly Accredited E-Courses
For The Teachers Of Your School
FREE Additional Child Development
Resources And Ebooks
Monthly Marketing Material
To Promote Your Preschool
As Well As The Program
The Exact Blueprint
To Host Your Very Own
EdUMove Family Fun Festival!
Smart Plan
Pro Plan
The Most Exclusive
Movement Curriculum & Professional Support Plan
For Preschools
12 Month Subscription Plan *
ALL That The Smart Plan
Has To Offer
PLUS The Following:
Monthly Online Consultations
With Your Own Online
Contracted Kinderkineticist From Kwanda
Medical History Forms
And The Interpretation Thereof
By A Kinderkineticist
Developmental Checklists
To Determine
Possible Developmental Delays
An Assessment Protocol,
Checklists As Well As Reports
To Monitor Children Individually
Optional Individualized Exercises
For Children Needing Intervention
Via A Professional App
* Optional
Online Assessments
By A Contracted Kinderkineticist
* Optional
Individual Report/s Written
By A Contracted Kinderkineticist
Principals & Teachers

Need More Info To Decide?
Follow The Steps Below
And Get 2 FREE Online Resources That You Can Use
In Your School!
Want To See Everything
That Our Subscription Plans
Have To Offer
And How Your Preschool
Can Benefit From It?
Want To Get A Sneak Peak
Of Our Curriculum?
Want To Get A Personalized
Quote For Your Preschool ?
Just Complete The Short Questionnaire Below
And We Will Send All The Info You Need.
It's As Easy As 1, 2, 3..!
Please take note:
Our subscription plans are exclusively available for schools.
Thus, ONLY schools may present the EdUMove program as part of their curriculum or as an extra-curricular activity to their school's parents for additional income.
If you are a pediatric professional, please reach out to us if you are interested in presenting our curriculums as part of your services at a preschool and/or primary school. We are happy to help wherever we can.
Marietjie Pieters,
Principal at preschool
I am very glad that we have decided to subscribe to your online development package for our preschool. It is exactly what we expected - and more! The children enjoy the exercises tremendously. Even the teachers are having fun! Thank you!
Liza de Lange,
Principal of preschool
This is the best possible decision that I could have made for our preschool! The talks are so insightful - we have recommended that ALL our parents watch it. We are also excited to see how children who initially found certain daily activities at school challenging, are now showing good progress after we have started doing your exercises. We are so thankful!
Judy Greeff,
Teacher at preschool
I love your program! It is easy to follow with the children, yet it addresses so many aspects of development at the same time. Just the way that you address body awareness in your program, blew my mind. Now I'm implementing these ideas and exercises into our classroom whenever we cover this in our Grade R classroom.
Smart Plan
The Smart Movement Curriculum
And Subscription Plan
For Preschools
12 Month Subscription Plan *
An Online E-Course For Teachers
To Present Weekly Movement Classes To All The Children In Your School
A Complete List Of Equipment
To Present Fun & Effective
Movement Classes
* An Optional Equipment Kit
To Present Classes
(If Based In South-Africa)
A Neuro-Sensory-Motor Curriculum
With 240 Lessons
For Babies 0 - 2 Years
A Neuro-Motor Development Curriculum With 160 Lessons
For Preschoolers 2 - 6 Years
A Neuro-Motor Development Curriculum With 120 Lessons
For Children 6 - 9 Years
A Video Library Consisting Of
2 000+ Videos For Demonstration Purposes And Easy Reference
A Group-based
Screening Protocol
To Monitor The Children's Progress
Graduation Templates
And Protocols To Award
The Children For Their Hard Work
Additional Movement Stimulation Program For Parents
With 40 At-Home Lesson Plans
Monthly Educational Blogs
With Educational
Animation Videos
Monthly Accredited
Educational Webinars
By Experts In Their Field
Monthly Accredited
Of The Educational Talks
Additional Termly Accredited E-Courses
For The Teachers Of Your School
FREE Additional Child Development
Resources And Ebooks
Monthly Marketing Material
To Promote Your Preschool
As Well As The Program
The Exact Blueprint
To Host Your Very Own
EdUMove Family Fun Festival!
Pro Plan
The Most Exclusive
Movement Curriculum & Professional Support Plan
For Preschools
12 Month Subscription Plan *
ALL That The Smart Plan
Has To Offer
PLUS The Following:
Monthly Online Consultations
With Your Own Online
Contracted Kinderkineticist From Kwanda
Medical History Forms
And The Interpretation Thereof
By A Kinderkineticist
Developmental Checklists
To Determine
Possible Developmental Delays
An Assessment Protocol,
Checklists As Well As Reports
To Monitor Children Individually
Optional Individualized Exercises
For Children Needing Intervention
Via A Professional App
* Optional
Online Assessments
By A Contracted Kinderkineticist
* Optional
Individual Report/s Written
By A Contracted Kinderkineticist
Ready For A New Adventure?
Make The Smart Move.