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Move Smart To
Become Brain Smart
All Whilst Having Fun!


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Being active is not only necessary

for health benefits


it's also crucial for

optimal brain development.  

Focusing On Optimal Neuro-Sensory Motor Skills,
We As A Child Development And Therapy Centre 
Offer The Following Products And Services,
In-house Or Online:




























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Principals, Teachers

Parents & Professionals


Hailey Graaff,

Parent at preschool

While my son is on medication for epilepsy, I attribute the bulk of his improvement to your program, as well as the fact that Martie and her team worked it into their curriculum. Every nursery school should be instituting this program into their curriculum.

Carolyn Humphries,

NDT Physiotherapist

It has been wonderful to work alongside dynamic and enthusiastic Kinderkineticists from Kwanda Kinetics who are passionate about what they do, and who care about the individual child.

Martie van der Merwe

Owner and principal

The best change that has happened to our school was when Kwanda Kinetics started working at our school. Your program is absolutely innovative and refreshing, and your courses help us to keep abreast of the latest research in childhood development.

Movement Programs

Based On Kinderkinetics


Kwanda Babies

‘Kwanda Babies’ is a neuro-sensory-motor stimulation and development program for infants 0 - 24 months of age.  This well-researched and fun program is largely based on Kinderkinetics, and has a preventing, improving and therapeutic nature.  


Kwanda Kids

‘Kwanda Kids’ is a group-based neuromotor and perceptual program for children between 14 months - 6 years of age.  This fun, innovative program has a preventative, improving and therapeutic nature, and is presented in-house by registered Kinderkineticists.   

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Kwanda Sport

‘Kwanda Sport’ is a group-based  Kinderkinetics development program for children 7 - 13 years of age.  In this program, basic skills with regards to different sports are taught in a fun and exciting manner.  It is presented by registered Kinderkineticists at selected contracted primary schools around Gauteng. 

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Kwanda Jive

‘Kwanda Jive’ is a group-based dance-fit program for girls between 7 - 13 years of age.  It is presented by a registered Kinderkineticist with more than 20 years of dance experience and lots of energy!  This program is currently presented at Laerskool Helderkruin, a well-known primary school in Gauteng. 

Kinderkinetics Therapy Program

Kwanda Care


Our Kinderkinetics program for children with developmental delays is called ‘Kwanda Care’.  Kwanda Care is presented at our Centre - either as an adaptive physical program or as a rehabilitation program.  It focuses on helping children reach their maximum potential through the evaluation and implementation of various treatments, interventions and support.  Ultimately, our goal is to facilitate improved neuro-sensory-motor development and function, and enhanced learning, concentration and behaviour.

Our VIP Schools With
Contracted Kinderkineticists
On Their Premises

A Brand NEW Online

Neuro-Sensory Motor Curriculums

For Preschools And Primary Schools! 


Our Kwanda FUNdamental program called EdUMove is a fresh and exciting neuro-sensory-motor program that forms part of our online subscription plans.  This FUN program (with 3 online curriculums) is backed by neuro-science and the curriculum was written by Kinderkineticists with more than 45 years combined experience. The major difference between this program and all our other programs, is that classes are presented by the teachers of a school once they sign up for one of our subscription plans.  Professional assistance can then be provided to the school via their very own online contracted Kinderkineticist, if the school has such a need.

Kwanda Fun

Our Contracted Schools 
Doing EduMove Online
As Part Of Their Curriculum

Renee Lee,
Parent at preschool

Your program has been so valuable in Amy's development and we are really blessed to have had her pass through this program.  With her starting grade one next year, we feel this has really given her a good foundation that can be built upon.

Nadine du Preez,
Principal at preschool

Your workshops are amazing !!

Thank you so much for the wonderful work that you do, and for your all your help and support!

May you be blessed

for the good work that you do.

Parent at preschool

Thanks so much for your effort with Ava. I directly contribute the exercises you do with her during the Kwanda lesson to her instant success at ballet and swimming which she started both this year.


What Our Clients Say 

Awards Received By

ActiveActivities South Africa

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 Kwanda FUN

In Action

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900 Witwatersrand Avenue




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